(Please put on your safety glasses, this may get a little dangerous. If you are serious about putting your business on the fast track, and you understand that all marketing is an investment, then the Ultimate Marketing System is for you. You get everything that’s included in the Basic and Deluxe Marketing Plan, plus everything below.)
Here’s how we work magic:
Ideal Customer Identification—we will put the science of survey in practice to identify your ideal customer. Once we determine who your ideal customer is, then we’ll survey up to twenty of them so we have a crystal clear vision of where to find more people just like them. (Please read this next sentence in your best infomercial announcer voice.) But that’s not all you’ll receive! We’ll find out exactly where more people just like them may be hiding.
Remarkable Difference & Position—warning, a bit of magic may be involved. We’ll complete a S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats) analysis on your company. This detailed analysis will allow us to gain a crystal clear understanding of your remarkable difference, and how to use it to effectively position your business.
But we don’t stop there. We also take the data from our detailed customer surveys and integrate it with the data collected from the S.W.O.T. analysis. We then craft a brilliant positioning statement so we’ll have a clear understanding of your remarkable difference.
Core Messages—after creating a couple of fine-tuned Core Messages, we’ll present them to a select group of your current customers and determine which has the most impact in the market place.
Lead Generation Plan—remember, marketing is about your ability to attract and keep customers. The first step in attracting customers is lead generation. Once we’ve determined who your Ideal Customers are, we’ll specifically identify where we can find other “suspects.”
Suspects are simply people we suspect match the profile of your Ideal Client. We’ll provide you with specific information on where you can find these people.
After we identify where to find these suspects, we’ll craft up to six brilliant marketing pieces designed to automatically filter through the suspects and identify the true prospects. These pieces will be designed with the sole purpose of getting your true prospects to raise their hands and identify themselves.
These six custom-crafted marketing pieces could be magazine ads, radio ads, billboards, direct mail, or any of the hundreds of other options. Don’t forget, the sole purpose of these pieces is to filter through your suspects and identify “ideal” prospects.
Lead Conversion System—we will conduct a thorough analysis of your sales process. Your analysis will be completed by observing (and recording if possible) your sales process. The analysis will reveal the weak spots in your conversion process, and provide us with a starting place in designing your new Lead Conversion System.
We’ll design your Lead Conversion System with two primary goals: First, to streamline the process to as few steps as possible. The second goal is to automate the process so that minimum effort is required on your part. We will design a custom sales sequence and create up to three custom marketing pieces to help streamline this part of the process.
Referral System—what if you never had to try and sell your product or service again? Does it sound too good to be true? It’s not. With an effective referral system in place, you can have your current and previous customers sending you more business than you can handle.
With the Ultimate Marketing System, we not only craft up to three referral pieces, but we test these pieces with a select group of current clients to see what incentives are the most compelling. We want to take all the guess work out of the equation.
Service Experience—be prepared to go undercover. We do a little spy work during this part of the process. You have heard of secret shoppers, right? Your business will be contacted by our secret agents and we’ll evaluate the experience. It’s important to be sure the experience people have with your business is consistent with the image you are marketing to them.
By “secretly shopping” your business up to five times, you’ll be able to discover if your business is really consistent throughout the entire prospect and customer interaction.
Marketing Calendar & Budget—what if you had a personal concierge? Would that make your life a little easier? With the ultimate marketing plan, you’ll get your very own marketing concierge for six entire months. Not only will we outline your marketing calendar for a full 12 months, but we’ll also work with you on implementing it for the first six months.
We’ll help you place any and all advertising based on your newly developed marketing plan during these six months. We’ll also help you determine the best allocation for all of your marketing dollars.
Measurement System—in addition to creating up to three measurement tools, we’ll carefully evaluate your results each month. This will show us specifically what needs tweaking and fine tuning. Remember, if it can’t be measured, it can’t be managed.
The fine print:
The Ultimate Marketing System is like having your very own marketing person on staff. We’ll spend the first month thoroughly evaluating your business and preparing your marketing system.
We’ll spend the next five months writing marketing materials and implementing your new marketing system. During this six-month period we’ll visit twice a month to evaluate results and keep you up to date on what’s happening.
Estimated timeline for completion—six months!
You’re responsible for:
Total Investment in the Ultimate Marketing System only $15,450.00
“If you are looking for design or development services, Ugly Mug Marketing is a great solution. Wayne and his team are honest, fair, and reasonably priced. Best of all, they deliver the work on time.”