Should I Outsource This? – Infographic

Posted by Wayne in ,

  • Sumo

Do you have a task or project that you really don’t want to do, and you find yourself asking, “Should I outsource this?” If you’ve outsourced projects or tasks in the past, then chances are good that you’ve had your share of frustrations and disappointments.  I certainly had my fair share of challenges when I started outsourcing!


One of the biggest challenges with outsourcing is determining exactly which tasks and projects should be outsourced and which you should complete yourself.  A few years ago I sketched out a chart to help me determine which projects and tasks I should outsource, and which would be best for me to handle.  Each time I had something I wanted to outsource, I would quickly run through these questions before making my decision.


Give these questions a try before outsourcing your next task or project and they will likely save you a lot of time and frustration.


Click here to download a copy of this graphic for easy reference.


As with many things, outsourcing can either be a great asset, or a huge liability – it’s the small things that make all the difference.  If you would like to learn how to maximize your results grab a free copy of our  extremely popular Freelancers’ Freedom Formula Blueprint.


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