13 Questions To Ask Before Hiring a Web Designer
Having a website built, or an existing website redesigned, can (and should) be a very enjoyable process, but you need to be prepared. The key to a smooth process is being clearly informed about exactly what you’re getting, and exactly what your total investment will be.
The following questions will help ensure you don’t get burned and help make sure that you’re thrilled at the end of your website project:
What is your design process?
a: It’s important they have a clearly defined process they follow to insure your success and happiness. We utilize the 3 C’s of good design…but we do them in reverse order. This is crucial to making your website work for you.
Can you give me a breakdown of the total cost of ownership I will incur for the website? (What are the costs to keep the site updated, for hosting, security updates, etc.?)
a: Be sure you get a detailed proposal along with a Service Agreement or Contract prior to beginning the project.
How will you keep my site secure? (Sony, Bank of America, Amazon.com and other Fortune 500 have all had their websites hacked.)
a: Sure, we take lots of steps to help insure your website is safe, but if hackers can get into Fortune 500 companies’ websites, there’s a chance they could hack yours. So it’s important to be sure your website source files are backed up on a regular basis.
What happens when I want to make a change on the website? (Do I have to pay? Can I do it myself? Is it a flat fee or hourly rate if I have to have you make the changes?)
a: With the abundance and affordability of CMS (Content Management Systems), it really makes sense to have your website built using CMS. These systems will give you the ability to make changes to your website without any coding knowledge.
Can you provide references from 5 companies for whom you have built websites?
a: Look for specific comments regarding the design and building processes. Be sure the references have positive things to say about them.
How many websites have you developed utilizing CMS (Content Management Systems)?
a: Ideally you want to work with a designer who has designed/built at least 6 websites utilizing their chosen CMS. You don’t want them experimenting and learning on your dime, do you?
Can you give me a list of at least 15 websites you have built?
a: Be sure they have a strong portfolio. If they don’t…ask why.
Who will own the Intellectual Property Rights to my website?
a: If you’re paying someone to design and build your website, don’t you want to own it? It’s shocking how many designers try to maintain ownership of the design and source files. Be sure they agree to give you all the Photoshop files, as well as the code source files.
Is the website portable (i.e. can I move it off of your system)? Who can host the website?
a: You’ll want to be sure you can host your website on any server, with any major hosting company. This will help insure that your designer/coder doesn’t use some “extinct” programming language.
Is the website scalable (can we add additional pages or features in the future)?
a: As your business grows so should your website. Be sure that your designer builds a site that will allow for expansion without having to be completely redesigned.
How long will it take to design, code, and implement my website?
a: You’ll want to find a happy middle ground here. If they are promising too quick of a turnaround, chances are they will be using a template for your website. If the time frame is too long, it’s usually a good indication they don’t have good processes in place.
Will a template be utilized to design my website?
a: Unfortunately some designers charge for custom design, and then utilize a website template. You can test this by asking if there will be any limitations with regards to your design.
Will you be able to design my site to look exactly how I want it to look?
a: Designing your website to your taste is good, but wouldn’t it be better to design according your prospects and clients’ tastes?
If you take the time to ask each of these questions, you’ll have a very good understanding of exactly what to expect and when to expect it while working with your designer.
You can download an infographics version of 13 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Web Designer.
What other questions/suggestions do you have for someone considering having a new website built (or an old site redesigned)? Please leave them in the comments below.
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