Does Your Future Sabotage Your Present?

Posted by Wayne in ,

  • Sumo

I had an interesting conversation with a relatively new business owner last week.  He was sharing his frustrations about dealing with one of his employees and was asking for tips about training his employees.

I believe if you hire people who share your vision then you won’t need checklists and constant management.  I believe that the “right” employee only needs to know the destination (the vision) you’re aiming toward.  The “right” employee will not only “get” your vision, but they will also find ways to help you reach your destination.

I’m not sure why, but after that conversation I started to think about the future and my vision for my marketing company, Ugly Mug Marketing.  With a cup of freshly brewed coffee (for the curious, it was Ethiopian), I began thinking about how I’m often guilty of allowing the future (what I’ll be “able” to do in the future) to sabotage (and many times completely ruin) the present.

I find myself focusing on what my company will be like once we have “arrived.”  I constantly find myself thinking, “Once we reach X, then we’ll do it this way,” or “I’ll spend more time writing once I get Y.”

The longer I sat and thought about it, the more I realized that I do the exact same thing in my personal life.  I say to myself, “I’ll take more time to spend with my family after this project.”  Or, “I’ll start exercising when I get more time.”  I could go on…. and on… but I’d rather ask you…

Do you have the same struggle?

If so, how can you prevent this from happening?

Sure, it’s easy to say, “What we need to do is make the most of our present and not worry about the future.”  But talk is cheap.  What steps can we take to actually start living each day to its fullest?

Do you allow your future to sabotage your present?  How can/do you prevent this from happening?

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