“So You Have A Website, Now What?” Website Contest!

Posted by Wayne in ,

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It’s here! You now have the opportunity of a lifetime …well, at least we would like to think so. We are pleased to announce the launch of the “So You Have A Website Now What?” Website Contest where you not only have a chance to win a brand new website (designed by us) but also tons and tons of other amazing prizes to help you along the way!

Why? Because we can. …All kidding aside though, this is the perfect chance for you to win the ultimate prize so you can put all the advice found in my soon to be released book, “So You Have A Website Now What?” to work. Maybe you’ve been struggling getting your website set up.  Maybe your current website needs a complete rehaul. Whatever the reason, now you can tell us all about it and enter for a chance to win all the help you need to get a new site up and running effectively. Here’s what you could win:

Contents of Prize:

(Total Value over $7500)

* Completely NEW Custom Designed Website:

A one of a kind 5-7 page custom built website designed by the experts at Ugly Mug Marketing.  This new website will either completely transform your idea of what your website should be, or help you launch the ultimate site for the first time. (Value over $4,000)

* NEW logo:

A new custom image for your company, business, or brand. This is perfect for a current image that needs spicing up, or if you feel your logo does not accurately reflect your company’s values/image. Also great for beginners who need direction in creating a brand for themselves. (Value $995)

 * Brand Intervention with David Brier:

David Brier is an expert on branding and has turned around top businesses all over the country. His knowledge and insight revolutionize the ideas of branding and he is willing to share his secrets with you! One hour via phone or Skype (Value $500)

*Productivity Makeover with Bassam Tarazi

Get more clarity in one hour than you did during the past year. Sound impossible?  It isn’t when you have Bassam on your side.  Bassam will help you discover what is holding you back, and preventing you from reaching your full potential during this 1-hour productivity consultation via Skype. The problem isn’t you, the problem is the problem.  (Value $500)

* “So You Have A Website Now What?”

Five (5) autographed copies of the book “So You Have A Website, Now What?” by Wayne Mullins of Ugly Mug Marketing. This book was specifically written for those new to the website world, or for those who have struggled for too long trying to keep their website as a valuable marketing tool. Makes a great gift! (Value over $75)

* Lead capturing opt-in report:

This report is complete with both copywriting and graphic design to get your site pulling in those leads you so desperately desire. Be a step above the rest! (Value over $880)

* Full Online Marketing Course

A. Full 30-day course “Making an Online Money Machine”
B. Special interview with brand expert David Brier, “How Ordinary Brands Become Extraordinary”
C. Complimentary website review from the professionals at Ugly Mug Marketing.
(Value of A. B. C. = $497)

* Ugly Mug Marketing Consultation:

Get that one-on-one advice you need to help boost your marketability from the experts at Ugly Mug Marketing. We specialize in customer service, so we love spending time helping you reach the level you need to be. One hour web strategy consultation via phone or Skype (Value $250)

*Business Intervention:

Special business intervention session with Wayne Mullins of Ugly Mug Marketing, author of “So You Have A Website, Now What?”. Wayne has all the inside how-to’s when your business is in desperate need of a turn around, or you just need some custom pointers to get you back on track. One hour via phone or Skype (Value $450)


Basic Information:

Contest begins on August 1st.
Submission cut off date: Midnight on August 17th.
From August 19th – 23rd, the top ten video submissions will be presented for voting. Method of voting for the audience/community will be announced on the 19th of August.
Winner will be announced on the 27th of August.

Official Contest Rules for the “Ultimate Website Giveaway”

Step 1: Visit websitenowwhat.com and sign up for my FREE course -How to Turn Your Website Into A Lean Mean Lead-Generating Machine.
Step 2: You must then create a YouTube video (details below) and post a link to it ON THIS BLOG POST in the comments section, with a brief summary of the video. Type “SUBMISSION” at the top of your post so we’ll know to consider it.

It’s that simple!  The details regarding the content of your video are listed below:


Notice how it says “Submission” at the top, with a working link, and brief description.








YouTube Video Criteria:

1. The video must be 2 minutes or LESS.
2. The video title must be: “So You Have A Website Now What?” followed by your full name.
3. In the video description, have a working link to http://websitenowwhat.com
4. TAG the video: “So You Have A Website Now What?”


Notice the Title, Description, and Tag

Video Content Criteria:

1. Explain the problem: what is the biggest problem you see that your website has, or why you need a website.
2. What is the challenge: why does the problem exist and why can’t you overcome it?
3. Explain how a brand new website and the book So You Have A Website Now What? will help you or your business?

Ready?  Set?  GO……………

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