What Entrepreneurs Are Afraid Of!

Posted by Wayne in ,

  • Sumo

I believe entrepreneurs are afraid of shipping…

To help explain what I mean by the term shipping, here’s what Seth Godin says on page 103 of his book Linchpin:

“The only purpose of starting is to finish, and while the projects we do are never really finished, they must ship.  Shipping means hitting the publish button on your blog, showing a presentation to the sales team, answering the phone, selling the muffins, sending out your references.”

For me, there are 3 problems I encounter when I ship something:

  1. Fear – I’m afraid every time I push the publish button on this blog.  I’m far from being considered a good writer – my mind wanders too much, I make too many typos, I’m not good at organizing my thoughts, etc, etc, etc.  I’m afraid of what you’ll think.
  2. Excuses – I can always find other things to do.  Things that “appear” to be more important.  I justify not finishing what I started.
  3. Unnoticed – I want my work to be noticed.  I want to make a difference.  My “lizard” brain tells me not to ship something until I know it will make a difference.

Shipping is difficult, but required if you want to be make a difference – to be a linchpin.

What do you want to “ship”?  What is preventing you from shipping?

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One thought on “What Entrepreneurs Are Afraid Of!”

  1. I would like to “ship”/publish a few books, one in particular right now. I also would like to “ship”/pitch a few game ideas to publishers. What’s preventing me? Finishing the first book out of the rough draft, and business contacts with the game ideas perhaps, though the business contacts are becoming better now.
    So after a few more level designs, and customizations, the pitching will be easier.

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