Do I Need a Responsive Website?
As of April 21st, 2015, Google is now rewarding websites that are mobile friendly, and giving them precedent over non-mobile friendly websites.
Why is Google Penalizing Your Website?
Google wants to ensure when people use their search engine users don’t get frustrated trying to navigate websites from phones and tablets. 80 percent of mobile searches originate from a Smartphone and 47 percent from a tablet, so you need to configure for all devices to avoid missing out on conversions and sales.
Your website needs to not only look good but, most importantly, it needs to be functional on a smartphone, tablet, e-reader, and desktop or laptop. As the visitor switches between devices, a website should automatically adjust to accommodate for resolution, image size and scripting abilities – this is referred to a responsive design.
Responsive Design is the Answer
Responsive design is an approach to laying-out and coding a website so that it provides an optimal viewing experience for the user. It should consist of ease of reading, ability to tab navigate with the visitor’s thumb, as well as the ability to navigate the website with minimum resizing, panning and scrolling across all devices, whether a laptop, tablet or cell phone.
Want to put this on your website? Here’s the code:
<div style=”clear: both;”><a href=””><img title=”Do” src=”” alt=”Do” border=”0″ /></a></div>
<div>Courtesy of: <a href=””>Ugly Mug Marketing</a></div>
Your website has the same fate as 8-track players, VCRs, and Compact Discs. Sure, you can keep your website the way it is and it will continue functioning, but most of your prospective customers have moved on to the latest technology and at some point will expect you to keep up with the times.
Does your website meet Google’s new requirements? Find out here.
The best solution is to have your website converted into a responsive design. This process will not effect the functionality of your website, but it will make your website super easy to use on both smartphones and tablets…and most importantly it will bring it up to Google’s new standards.
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