How to Harness the Power of Your Authentic Voice – Interview with Todd Henry

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I hth-homead the privilege of visiting with Todd Henry about his new book, Louder Than Words: Harness the Power of Your Authentic Voice.


It was a fascinating conversation.

Here’s some of what we discuss:

Where did the idea for Louder Than Words come from?

You say in the introduction, “this is a book for doers”, what do you mean by that statement?

Why developing your authentic voice is the most important work you’ll ever do.

What’s a through-line, why is it important, and how can I identify it?

What do Jimi Hendrix and the Monkeys have to do with this process?

What are dailies?

Todd shares some the dailies from his life?

What’s missing from Louder Than Words?

 Listen in to our conversation:


Grab your copy of Louder Than Words.

About Louder Than Words:

There has never been a better time to build an audience around your idea or product. But with so many people and companies clamoring for attention, it’s also more challenging than ever to do work that deeply resonates with the marketplace and creates true and lasting impact.

According to Todd Henry, the key to standing apart from the noise is to find your unique voice. Those who identify and develop their voices will gain more attention and wield more influence. But first they have to identify what they truly stand for, develop a compelling vision, and become masters of expressing their ideas in whatever media they choose.

Henry offers strategies, exercises, and true stories that illustrate the five attributes of resonant work:
• Authenticity: Uncover the narratives that are at the core of your personal and professional identity.

• Uniqueness: Identify what makes your work distinct from that of others, and learn to creatively package and present your message.

• Consonance: Cultivate internal consistency and harmony in your work.

• Empathy: Listen to your audience’s aspirations and struggles to make your message more compelling.

• Timing: Learn how to coordinate your work with ideas that already have cultural momentum.
Making your work speak is a life-long process of trial, error, and realignment. Henry’s book will help readers build a body of work that resonates deeply and achieves lasting impact.

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